1. P

    Defender 90 Buying Guide

    As a newbie and the poster of the original thread I would just like to say a big thanks for all those helpful remarks - not!! To answer the question regarding looking for repeated thereads, I did look through the forum first but was unable to find excactly what I was looking for, so I made the...
  2. P

    Defender 90 Buying Guide

    I'm new to this forum so a big Hi to all. I am after some buying advice regarding a Defender 90. I want to buy the newest car possible but the seating configuration in the post 07 models in no good to me. Also I'm not keen on paying £400 per year Road Tax !! So I've been looking for a while and...
  3. P

    Buying advice

    I'm in the market for a Defender 90 Station Wagon and was wondering if anyone had any advice, Pitfalls, etc... I've found what aprears to be a decent model. Its an 04 Model on a 53 plate. 38,000 miles with full service history. Priced at £11,995. Its got a good spec and looks nice and clean on...
  4. P

    A Big Hello to All !!

    Hi there Just joined the forum and thought I'd say Hi. Although not currently an owner, I am in the market for a 90 Station Wagon. Have found one and am going for a look next week, with a view to buying. Its a Silver 53 plate with low miles and good spec. Here's hoping. :)