1. wheresdildo747

    Happy Valley Wales

    Hello, you talkin' to me? I agree. I think that James R is quite right and yor all persicuting him.
  2. wheresdildo747

    HB's Green lanein' Videeeooooooh Fred

    wot are wellies?
  3. wheresdildo747

    off roading for my first time (advise needed)

    A Yellow Disco is the best...? Ha:p
  4. wheresdildo747

    off roading for my first time (advise needed)

    Pat+Jess Good use of punctuation, spelling and use of hyphenation needs improvement. Saying it twice really won't help though. 6/10 And FFS don't encourage Indoor Plop - he's on detention already and the kids in the schoolyard have started to pick on him.
  5. wheresdildo747

    help me decide ??

    Yo paul - yo make me look good:D
  6. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    Hey thats a dam cool car! Dya think I coud change my Defender to look like that. Sheez - i coud drop a Chryselr auto for about 100 bucks. 6 big ones in Ingland is like $100,00 US yeah?
  7. wheresdildo747

    roll cage trouble, they seen me coming.

    He makes me look pretty darn good - and my speeling is betta! Ha!:)
  8. wheresdildo747


    I can do non-run of the mill... Get a lump hammer and flatten the drums - then get sum kallipers and fit the panty pads in the kallipers. Im shure they will make the same diffrence as the drums do now. Yo sayin that the facelift has gonnen got put down yor list??:D
  9. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    I cant believe you gonnan admit that in public:eek: How long ya bin out of the pen? What was is it like?
  10. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    If yor in englandland, do you speak englishlish?:D
  11. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    ...yor kidding! Hows about walesland and scotchland and irishland eh? You can't catch me out like that! Ha ha:p
  12. wheresdildo747

    Max Tire For Disco

    Hey - every night it drops below freezing 26 degrees right now. We're fourcast really cold temperatures at the weekend here - reaching 17 degrees on Friday. Now is that cool - or wot?
  13. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    Yo giving up Grunty? I win?:rolleyes: The superbowel was just the best. Better than your 'six nations' rugerby by far, or soccer even. How do you work out six nations when four of them come from England? - yo'll have to explain that one...
  14. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    Yeah - uha uha uha. Like the world series which is only open to American teams. Not exactly the world is it? Let's call it the Yankee Series instead, and whilst we're at it, let's call the Super Bowl the average bowl. The freekin rolling stones are palying in the interval - wot the chuffs all...
  15. wheresdildo747

    Diff lock warning light

    dif windup is like all you on this site. Awkward in a corner, squeals on a sealed surface and destructive. I hope yor happy.
  16. wheresdildo747

    Max Tire For Disco

    D'oh. I'm not Canadien dimbo. They have Rockies too, but im from Boulder which is Colorado.
  17. wheresdildo747

    Max Tire For Disco

    Cool. canitdive makes me look good. Woohoo:D
  18. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    origional stoopidity. Nuff sed.
  19. wheresdildo747

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    hoo yoo kallin stoopid?