1. R

    strange vibration and wobble

    Hi, RRC 3.9efi on lpg I've a strange wobble/vibration problem on my Rangie. At very low speeds <10mph the whole front body shakes slightly from side to side as if a wheel was bent. I've swapped wheels around but it's still there. At higher speeds there's a pulsating vibration which varies with...
  2. R

    Side Skiets

    got mine here, Scrivets and Rivets | Classic Car Parts Much cheaper than the usual suspects and quick. Bob
  3. R

    Body Work / Sun Bleaching

    The peanut butter trick does work. But beware if you have dogs. I did the front spoiler, bumper end caps etc. on my RRC...looked great until the dogs smelled it and proceded to lick it all off! Dog slobber does not so look good!
  4. R

    Welding Galvanized Steel -- Safely

    When I was taught welding at collecge as part of my apprenticeship way back in the 60s the instructor advised us to drink plenty of milk if we were ever welding galvanised steel. He reckoned the milk counter-acted the fumes in some way. He'd been a coded welder on nuclear installations for...
  5. R

    What do I need to worry about when buying a classic Range Rover?

    Having restored (almost) a '90 efi 18 months ago I agree with everything Teflon says. What a guy! Plus...front inner wheel arches tend to go too. There's a plastic inner wheelarch held on with plastic rivets. look for crusty bits around these, if they're still there. Also the front panel behind...
  6. R

    lpg help

    HI. Just joined the forum and spotted your post. My RRC started doing the same, turned out to be a solenoid coil fault. I found it by the following method. (bear in mind I'm ex British gas instrumentation so know what I'm doing around gas and electrics. If you're not happy then don't do...