1. J


    Thanks to everyone for their help. Cant buy you all a beer so will give you a laugh. Finally got the mare going after a month.in that month............................disconnected gas.......still no luck. Got mechanic to have a look.he had it for a week...no joy.brought it back. Got a number...
  2. J


    Going to take the steps MeLLonStu suggested first. But after that,if no joy, going to take your route(Had already started thinking that way) Thanks for advice though,kind of verifies what I already thought.
  3. J


    Info/advice seriously appreciated,thanks. Will take steps suggested and see how it goes. Will post results, thanks again.
  4. J


    I have an '89 Range rover se. LPG conversion done last month. No probs until 28th Dec. Left work,fuelled up,car started running rough on gas and fuel,cutout but started again. Ran rough all way home,didnt like gas at all. Next day started it up (On petrol)but it still seemed rough so drove in...
  5. J


    I have an '89 Range rover se. LPG conversion done last month. No probs until 28th Dec. Left work,fuelled up,car started running rough on gas and fuel,cutout but started again. Ran rough all way home,didnt like gas at all. Next day started it up (On petrol)but it still seemed rough so drove in...