1. M

    Newbie in Kent

    Yes I'm up for it!
  2. M

    green laning kent

    It's something that I want to do and am in Kent - please get in touch
  3. M

    Newbie in Kent

    Am also in Kent (Canterbury) and looking to hook up with some people who want to go Green Laning - please get in touch!
  4. M

    Suitable replacement diesel engines.

    I had a clasic for 8 years which had the fantastic 3.5 litre Nissan Turbo Diesel. What an engine, what a car! Fuel consumption was fantastic and reliability out of this world It was fitted by a company in the SW somewhere, the engine was already fitted when I bought the car, I believe...
  5. M

    Anyone in or near SE Kent with Testbook or Rovocom?, I need someone to reset HEVAC

    Hello After a long bad year of P38 ownership during which I have thrown good money after bad at a persistant HEVAC / Blend motor problem see http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f10/p38-air-con-warning-sign-28376.html? http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=7496&hl Same fault coming...
  6. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    This is getting silly The system works, then doesn't work Returns deifferent faults with different control front panels when they are fitted to the car Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem?
  7. M

    Cruise control problem

    Hello Does anyone have any idea why the cruise control on a P38 would not work? I have had the switches changed on the seering wheel The switches have been checked on the dash and are supposedly OK according to the computer The mechanic also checked something under the bonnet and...
  8. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    Mik It could be the blend motor, they seem to change them for fun The come as a complete set of three so one down all down Hope that you have better luck than me!
  9. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    Guess what? It worked for a whole three journeys, one of 160 miles and the other two just to the shops down the road and it's back again!!!!!!!!!!!! And it has also developed another new fault, the cruise control has stopped working. The steering wheel switches have all been changed, the gizmo...
  10. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    At last I have the car back fixed. After a change of blend motors (which did not help) and a change of heater box (same) it turned out to be the control unit. A very small and simpple resistor had blown. It seems that the unit was showing a fault everywhere but itself!
  11. M

    New Owner - Questions

    Have a look at my " P38 Air Con ! warning sign " thread below yours The ! sign could be very very expensive Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Mechanic reccomendation in Kent

    Yes A chap called Mark who was with the Kent Landrover Main Dealership now has his own setup in Sarre which is not far from you phone 01227 861186 He has my P38 right now see my threads for details! Tell him Mike from Canterbury recommended him
  13. M

    Mystery idle problem

    Unfortunately mine has just stared to do the same thing but only when run on LPG Am haing it looked at now but the LAndrover specialist is foxed at the moment
  14. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    Thanks for all the help and encouraging messages here and privately. The issue continues. After getting the system checked by a Landrover Specialist with all the correct kit he suggested that it was most likely the blend motors which are not very expensive in themselves but generate a huge...
  15. M

    LPG and LPG A - the difference???

    Sorry to hear about your insurance problems I have to say that your broker or insurance company are just lazy, there are lots of cars with the conversion so they must have at least some experience Anyway I found Swiftcover http://www.swiftcover.com to be the cheapest quote for my 4.6 Vogue by...
  16. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    Thanks Martyn Heater does get hot when turned up. Cool when turned down. Fan works ok. Also had gas checked and pressure is fine apparantly. However, I don't really notice much difference to where the heat / cold air goes when I press the buttons that are supposed to direct the air flow. No...
  17. M

    P38 Air Con ! warning sign

    Hello Does anyone know what might be the cause of the "! and handbook sign" warning? It seems to come on from time to time, sometimes after the system has been running for a few minutes, sometimes half an hour or so. I know that it means "refer to handbook", but the handbook just tells you...
  18. M

    P38 Wiring Diagram needed

    Yes, always leave it in park
  19. M

    P38 Wiring Diagram needed

    Thanks for the help with this guys Yes Neilh The battery is discharged completely after a couple of days does anyone know what is the cause? Pat, please tell us more Thanks
  20. M

    P38 Wiring Diagram needed

    Thanks very much for the info - have them on order now