1. S

    Land Rover tax exempt questions

    I've seen that you get awarded points for original parts of vehicle: 5 for chassis 2 for steering 2 for transmission 2 for suspension 2 for axles 1 for the engine ... etc ... and that you need 8 out of 14 points to claim historic vehicle status.
  2. S

    Land Rover tax exempt questions

    Hi, If I wanted to build/buy a Land Rover and claim it as historic for tax exempt reasons, do DVLA go off the year of the chassis or the engine or similar, or, can you claim historic if most of the vehicle was manufactured pre 1973? Can the motor heritage museum offer info from the chassis...
  3. S

    300tdi shudders when accelerating

    yeah, been looking into it and around here, seems like the prop shaft u joints.... Peace Parade UK 2008
  4. S

    300tdi shudders when accelerating

    and no i'm not a celebrity life coach...but the owners of the 'Back to the Future' film De Lorean whose car we borrowed are...! :eek:
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    300tdi shudders when accelerating

    it stays constant when I accelerate, but joins in a nice chorus with the shudder above around 2000rpm....!
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    300tdi shudders when accelerating

    Hi all, I've been running my disco on biodiesel for a few months and over the weekend it started to shudder when I accelerate, but can also hear a squeeling noise from the front of the car, again only when I accelerate... Was advised to change the fuel filter after using bio diesel, but fail...
  7. S

    Discovery soft top?

    the range rover convertible looks brill.... god ideas for my disco....cheers :-)
  8. S

    Discovery soft top?

    I have a 96 3-door disco and was wondering if anyone has ever converted one to be soft top? Appreciate being told this is the stoopidist idea ever, but having a roofless disco in the summer would be so cool!!! :confused: Is is possible? :)
  9. S

    Discovery soft top?

    I have a 3 door 96 disco, i'm abolutely not a mechanic but was wondering if anyone knows or has had their disco roof removed and replaced with a canvas roof or similar for the summer months? Is it possible? :confused: Many thanks -:)