1. Forsaken1

    new dude

    Welcome to the throng! :D
  2. Forsaken1

    good mornin fred

    morning everyone.
  3. Forsaken1

    Stolen black double cab bn57dtv

    Sorry to hear your news mate, pics would help us keep an eye out. As this is the second one within 10 miles of where I live, I'm thinking that Tabitha can stay as a garden ornament for a bit! :(
  4. Forsaken1

    good mornin fred

  5. Forsaken1

    Fault Diagnosis Connector?

    Or from HERE!! :D
  6. Forsaken1

    Impolite Moderators

    well if he keeps upsetting the locals he'll soon be walking or catching the bus when he can't start his motor! LOL
  7. Forsaken1

    Impolite Moderators

    From one newbie to another.................... In the short time I've been on here I've had posts removed, OK agreed they had nuffin to do with selling stuff they were more tongue in cheek, I can't be arsed to get irate over the small stuff due to the fact I have gained more knowledge and...
  8. Forsaken1

    good mornin fred

    Morning all, it's wetter than a hat full o badgers up here! :-(
  9. Forsaken1

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    all this sunshine wasted on you then! Go postal I say! :violent:
  10. Forsaken1

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Sleepless night was it Ratty? :eek:
  11. Forsaken1

    good mornin fred

  12. Forsaken1

    can this be done

    I say well done to Land Rover as it's role as the new Jim'll fix it!
  13. Forsaken1

    electric side steps ?

    Perhaps with this backing track? YouTube - FUNNY 70s PORNO MUSIC!
  14. Forsaken1

    electric side steps ?

    Now see............. my landie always comes first in that sentance! ;) Hope you get it sorted!
  15. Forsaken1

    electric side steps ?

    If she's got the figure to carry off that short a skirt............... who cares how hard it is for her to get in? :cool:
  16. Forsaken1

    Defender Work Lights

    Hope the link helps you out, if you get stuck just give me a shout as your only 11 miles from me, I might not be an expert but I'm sure with two heads on a problem it'll get sorted, either that or I'll know someone that can! ;)
  17. Forsaken1

    Defender Work Lights

    Take a look at THIS thread, where abouts in Bruma re yee?? Damien
  18. Forsaken1

    Defender Work Lights

    Was it you that did most of the wireing on my 110 that I've just spent the last two weeks trying to sort out? :doh: I ask this because you seem to use the same materials! :rolleyes:
  19. Forsaken1

    New member and I got in at last!

    are you in need of a big issue?? :p
  20. Forsaken1

    New member and I got in at last!

    Depends what you've done! :p