1. S

    Its raining inside

    HI I took the metal plate off the pollen filter, sealed the top and bottom where the gaskets are. I also sealed around the self tapper. Put it all back together, it rained the next and it still leaked. thanks Phil
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    Its raining inside

    Hi Where exactly are these drains that need cleaning out? Thanks Phil
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    Its raining inside

    Hi Have you solved your water leak problem? I am having the same problem, tried sealing everything, but still leaks after it has been raining. Thanks. Phil
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    LRT-12-108 Timing Pin

    Thanks. I will give those sizes a try.
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    LRT-12-108 Timing Pin

    Yes it seems they are 5"x 1/2". Its the end spigot thats the important size. Thanks. Shelly.
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    LRT-12-108 Timing Pin

    Yes I saw it after i had put my post on. Seems we are both after the same dimensions. Slight chance one of us might get a helpfull answer. Thanks. Shelly.
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    LRT-12-108 Timing Pin

    Hi Has anyone got the dimensions for a timing pin LRT-12-108. I need one to time a P38 DSE FIP. They want £35+ postage for one. Seems a lot for a steel bar.Trying to save a bit of money.Can anyone help. Thanks Shelly.
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    Hi. Just bought a Range Rover with a Mazda sl35ti engine in it. Can anyone tell me where i can get a workshop manual for it. Or anything that might be of help. Thanks. Shell.