1. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    Well - was it a good buy or was I robbed??
  2. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    Found out how to add some piccies - easy when you know how! Only got these two for the moment I'm afraid - I'll post some more when I get her home. Thanks.
  3. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    Deal is now done (thanks for your opinions) and I'm fairly happy at £3125. I'd post a picture if I knew how! One other thing - any suggestions as to where best to get a limited mileage classic insurance policy for a Series1?
  4. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    Anybody else got an opinion on this?
  5. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    No pictures unfortunately, but the seller is well known to my brother as a genuine guy. My brother just happens to be a Landrover dealer and has had the vehicle up on ramps and checked the whole vehicle out thoroughly and also had a test drive - he reckons all is well, the chassis and bulkhead...
  6. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    It needs a full set of door rubbers (£100/both doors) as these are either missing/rotten, gaitors for gearlever and both four wheel drive levers (£23) which are all missing. Also the drain channel and vertical bar for each side of the tilt frame which are missing (£177 both sides) - all of...
  7. S

    Series 1 Buying Advice

    Hi Guys, First post from a newbie - I am contemplating buying a Series 1 with a canvas tilt that has been offered to me. Its a 1958, been rebuilt 18yrs ago (looks like a couple of years ago!) with a new bulkhead, chassis has no rot and never been repaired, re-sprayed, engine honed and...