1. O

    Series 2A engine

    Thanks Andy Odds
  2. O

    Series 2A engine

    Thanks for that ... I don't want to do it up and find i have a load of hassel getting it in the landy ... Sorry to be really thick ... You're saying use the clutch off the series 3 and that should be ok?
  3. O

    Series 2A engine

    I know this may seem a stupid question to some ... But ... I have a Series 2A engine and apart from the obvious cosmetic things, and the fact that it's a 3 bearing engine and not a 5 ... Will this go straight into my Series 3, bolt up to the gearbox and all without tons of fuss???:)
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    Front Indicators not working

    Thanks for your replies .. Use hand signals ... LOL!!!
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    Front Indicators not working

    Thanks Mike for taking the time to give me your advise ... To be honest I need to get the thing back on the road.
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    Front Indicators not working

    I know the wiring not that complicated on a series 3 land rover ... However I've been having some trouble with the flashers ... The back ones now work and the front ones don't ... I've sent off for a new flasher unit but I feel it's got to be a bit more than that ... Has anyone got any ideas...
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    Steel Seal

    I like anything Land Rover ... Unfortunatly I grew up in the Series age and I would be the first to say they ain't without their faults ... But I'm still in an time when it was all a bit more straight foward ... Dangerous I know but comfortable ...
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    Steel Seal

    Thanks for your advise ... Odds
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    Steel Seal

    Yes I'm a skeptic even before I write any of this :doh:... I've got a Discovery V8 (wifes to be honest) ... NO I'm not the best home mechanic ... Able to keep the old series 3 running ... BUT ... I open the bonnet of the V8 and I'm lost ... Well the water goes down and I can't find a leak ...
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    Missing VIN Plate

    Land Rover Chassis and VIN Plates - Chassis ID & VIN Plates
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    Manifold Inlet Bolts

    Thanks dr pepper for the info ... Strange as it may seem I chanced accross an old parts list and I was looking at the page with the exhaust manifold and at the bottom it had 'Exhaust Manifold Fixing kit 606988' ... I typed this number into the comp and up came the kit at Paddocks for £1.49 ...
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    Manifold Inlet Bolts

    Yeah thanks very much for that ... Especially the size of the bolt 8.8 ... I used to work for an engineeing company ... That was 20 years ago and the memory has faded a bit ... Thanks again.
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    Manifold Inlet Bolts

    I don't know whether anyone can help ... I've noticed the manifold has cracked on my series 3 and getting a new one was easy enough ... however on taking the inlet/exhaust manifolds off I've notice the two of the inlet manifold bolts are missing ... These are the bottom ones so I have two...
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    Paint Job

    I don't know whether it's the slightest bit of help at all but I'm thinking of hand painting my series 3 and I notice you can get MOD paint on ebay:o. Odds