1. the nowed sepent

    any experience with satelite phones

    My Bro uses one in South Africa/Botswana/Mozambique when he's in the bush - which is normally from early May until early September says they can be a lifesaver (literally in his job) but be prepared to have deep pockets and a direct line to the National Mint if you intend to use it for more than...
  2. the nowed sepent

    Hi Andrew I see you are the administrator for the site so I have a quick request for you, when...

    Hi Andrew I see you are the administrator for the site so I have a quick request for you, when I joined the site I must have had dyslexic fingers because when I typed my user ID I mis-spelt it. So could you amend it to "the nowed serpent" please . The missing "r" made it a tad awkward when I...