1. D


    Hey everyone Sussex laners are now on facebook come and check us out:blabla:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Sussex laners

    Hi Guys Further to my thread in March I am happy to announce the birth of Sussex laners the sussex landrover club. our websit is www.sussexlaners.webs.com bare with us the site is in its early days so still needs a bit of tweeking however feel free to join an have some fun with us.:welcome2:
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    sundays drive home

    Medusa is a depender a new model lol
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    Sussex laners

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    Green Laning around Sussex

    A few of us are getting a club together in west sussex its in the early stages but you are welcome to contact me for more info.:welcome2:
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    Sussex laners

    Hi Everybody Further to a letter in this months LROI regarding a laning club in Sussex. myself and a few friends have decided to create a Sussex club. we are not looking to spend thousands of pounds on new gear but to get together do some lanes and help each other out along the way anyone...
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    disco door

    help my 1994 discoverys back offside door has jammed shut the handle seems to be working but it wont open any suggestions please.
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    200tdi wheel judder

    I will check it did cross my mind but forgot the missus has gone of in it at the mo thanks .:)
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    200tdi wheel judder

    Hi when on full lock the rear wheels seem to be pushing me forward and causing a judder on my recently aquired 200tdican anyone advise pleeeease?:(