1. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Doh! Away that weekend :(. Will I ever make a trip with you guys???
  2. nellie

    Coventry Green Laning experiance!

    Hello! I'm up fo a trip out. Will keep an eye on this thread :)
  3. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Hey benny benny, will keep an eye on this thread then! Would love to come along :0)
  4. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Thank you for offer but am going to pass tomorrow after all. Will continue to watch this thread for next outing and look forward to seeing a few pics!
  5. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Still keen to come along, just need to convince man and kids! What time and where do you meet? If it's still ok for us to come along that is?
  6. nellie

    Wales 17th September 2011

    Great pictures :0)
  7. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Can I come along please??? May be with two kids in tow though :0/
  8. nellie

    any advice?

    As I mentioned to fanatic in pm found it's actually been 3.5 years not 2.5! Have had a good look at sales of goods act and costs in trying to get it sorted would be damn site more than getting it sorted once and for all. Have posted some pics of rebuild that we were able to take on a couple of...
  9. nellie

    any advice?

    Thanks again guys....would prefer not to mention company name... Yet! Am tempted to pull some strings and get picture of rick waksman from watchdog looking at my landy...what do you think? Ask them want they can do to put right and if no joy, casually pull out the picture?
  10. nellie

    any advice?

    Thanks guys for your input, i really appreciate it.
  11. nellie

    any advice?

    Btw it's 1995 n reg
  12. nellie

    any advice?

    Dr Evil, don't think I could part with her now. They reckon it will cost approx £1000+ to get it done, haven't had the best relations with the company as you can imagine....thinking of askin them what they think of it and whether this is what I should expect from their workmanship? Just wanted...
  13. nellie

    any advice?

    They said it was a complete restoration. Was stripped down to the chassis and rebuilt. Cost approx £9k for restoration and £6k for initial vehicle...was under the impression it was all new parts ie doors etc...hence the cost, but now looks like it was for paint work and to make it look...
  14. nellie

    any advice?

    bought my 110 2.5 years ago..basic model purchased, but then supposedly rebuilt in order for me to go on overland trip from uk down to gambia...broke down as pulled out of Calais...needed new gearbox, which the company who did the refit, under pressure did replace in a car park in france! then...
  15. nellie

    Green Laning Near Solihull

    Did you guys get together in the end? I'm watching a few threads for possible outings, but restricted a bit by kids and work! please post again if you're out and about again, limited experience, but willing and enthusiastic learner!
  16. nellie

    Wales 17th September 2011

    Can't make this weekend, but will keep checking out your adventures! You lot all sound like mechanics.... I only know where the basics are such as steering wheel, gear box...... Interesting reading though!
  17. nellie

    green laning worcester

    Need to get my baby looked at before I go off roading, but if you are going out again please post!
  18. nellie

    New Defender for 2015 first pics

    Is it April 1st??? Am finding it hard to consider upgrading to a TD5 from my 110 300tdi, no chance I would have that thing though :0(
  19. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Blowsy?! Bloody predicitive text! Doh!
  20. nellie

    Lanes around Bridgnorth area

    Blowsy hell! You really have to be careful what you post on here hey!