1. T

    Help needed!

    Might not be the sunroof, it's more likely the be the rear curved windows on the sides. ;)
  2. T

    Help needed!

    Underneath the boot carpet?:eek::eek:
  3. T

    Help needed!

    Twas a serious question.
  4. T

    Help needed!

    That's Jordon, a totally different person to Rena (the guy becoming a a girl) and his style is all his own and it's because he is unique is why I likes him. :)
  5. T

    Help needed!

    Looks nice, what's the boot floor like?:eek::eek:
  6. T

    Help needed!

    FFS you two! Neither of you are my ****ing type! This is my friend cum **** buddy and is definitely my type!! :D:D:p :rolleyes: Now you all know you're safe. :p
  7. T

    so........... what happened next ?

    I'm more of a night person than I am a day person.
  8. T

    so........... what happened next ?

    haha! I'm back into my normal sleeping routine. Bed 1/2 am and up at 12pm. :)
  9. T

    so........... what happened next ?

    You remind me of me. I never listen to good sound advice. :doh:
  10. T

    Cambridge to Isle of Skye

    I do! I want shipped to NZ. :)
  11. T

    Cambridge to Isle of Skye

    :( Ahh shurrup and bend over bitch:p
  12. T

    Cambridge to Isle of Skye

    Pity you weren't going Edin-Aber-Inver-Skye as I could have found room in me bed for you. :p
  13. T

    Weldning Network For Landy Owners

    Fell off a lorry/tractor trailer?
  14. T

    NEW M.O.T LAWS! Aftermarket HIDs & "Tuning Boxes" to become illegal

    Surely if you've got one of those plug in jobbies you just remove it for the MOT and plug it back in afterwards.
  15. T

    Sat Nav Extras

    Don't forget to add your own specific POI's for fuel, food, banks etc etc. Pocket GPS World - SatNavs | GPS | Speed Cameras - FREE POI Download
  16. T

    Running on red

    When I last worked on a farm (2001) by law all tractors traveling on the roads had to display a valid tax disc. Only I didn't see the point of this seeing as the tax disc was free anyway. Not sure if there is a charge now or not. How do the Gov expect you to do 5 miles a week? If you own 400...
  17. T

    B + E Trailer Test

    That's what I thought but G Spot says otherwise.:confused: Any chance that could also be different in Scotland?
  18. T

    swap anyone? or p/x even better

    Trust me, LPG is a nightmare when it goes wrong.
  19. T

    Running on red

  20. T

    Running on red

    Doesn't have to be watered down with water. I should have used the term diluted. Diluted with something to make it go further? And I'm only going by what I was told by a delivery driver.