1. W

    Bought my landy back various questions tyres chassis etc...

    Well.. after a bit of prep https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8912025/IMG_0952.JPG ready to leave https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8912025/IMG_0699.JPG Stuck https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8912025/Speedy%20gets%20us%20stuck.jpg Lost...
  2. W

    Bought my landy back various questions tyres chassis etc...

    Hi all, got my old 110 back yesterday and it is great to have her back! I drover her to Sierra Leone in West Africa about 4 years ago and then sold her on after using her for a year there. The guy I sold her to drove her back and I then bought her back off him. Happy days :) So...
  3. W

    clutch dying any way to eek it out?

    Thanks all, it doesn't slip if I don't give it full beans so I hope I will get home OK!
  4. W

    clutch dying any way to eek it out?

    My clutch has started to slip under full acceleration especially up hills in 3rd. If you accelerate slowly it does not slip. The problem is that it is easter and I am in Wales so I will have to drive home to London before I can get it changed next week! Does anyone have any idea how long it...
  5. W

    I need to learn the basics, what is my best bet?

    I want to learn the basicss of recovery and off roading in general. I don't have any experience at all but I am reasonable mecanically minded. I was thinking about a Thames Valley 4x4 meeting has anyone any experience of them or the Avon Dassett site? Or would a paid up course with an...
  6. W

    Rear door wheel carriers?

    I have been considering the cheap one offered by MM 4X4 SPECIAL OFFER Defender Swingaway Wheel Carrier at £104 plus VAT While I am sure the mantec ones are good quality I can't bring myself to pay north of £200 for a bent bit of metal and a couple of hinges! just found this post...
  7. W

    Can anyone recommend a good quality 12v pump?

    I am looking for a 12v electric pump, are they all much the same or are any of them particularly high quality?
  8. W

    What Landy?

    From what I read (an dI haven't tried it) most people that have tried to sleep in vehicle havn't been too happy with it, lack of available height and difficulty of access combined with ventilation seem to be the main problems. Tents are cheap and if it is safe to camp outside the car then I...
  9. W

    interior rool bar for overlanding. Yay or nay?

    Sorry not front half as such I guess front third... There are three sections available to this rollcage, what Safety devices call an internal half cage sits over the two rear seats fully inside the cab. The way it was explained to me this protecte both the drivers and passengers from being...
  10. W

    tyres removal made easy.

  11. W

    West Africa 2010

    Well I am heading as far as sierra leone on this route in August so I will let you know how I get on!
  12. W

    Bottle jack??

    Coz they are always being nicked?
  13. W

    inverter for laptop

    Any chance of a link? It does seem silly to go up to 240 only to come back down again. That said, I am not sure I trust my laptop to a £25 charger from E bay!
  14. W

    interior rool bar for overlanding. Yay or nay?

    please excuse my ignorance but what the hell does the CSW mean? I have googled it and it isn't very obvious! Thanks for the heads up, what do you reckon these are like to fit? That is the roll cage I was looking at plus the front half which I wasn't going to bother with...
  15. W

    interior rool bar for overlanding. Yay or nay?

    I think I am going to go for it... I am not certain about wether or not I trust a cage without a cross brace though. Any thoughts? I definately don't want an exterior one as I want to stay low profile* if possible *As low profile as a white man in a landrover can be in west Africa that is!
  16. W

    What Landy?

    Of course you don't have to but if you want to actually be self sufficient and go a long way on bad roads it gets expensive fast. You could do it in a £200 saab with a cheap tent from Blacks. Realistically what is the least you can expect to pay for a defender in MOT passing condition that...
  17. W

    What Landy?

    I think you will be shocked at how expensive this will work out mate. I was! A cheap high milage defender in adequate condition will cost 3-5k by teh time you add a roof tent and other bits and pieces you will be at 7k even if you are frugal. Add on to that fuel carnet etc.. and this isnt a...
  18. W

    interior rool bar for overlanding. Yay or nay?

    The locals don't have much but sticks to rub together! The local NGO staff all drive modern land cruisers. I guess what I am really asking is are defenders cabs much less strong than other cars or is rolling one about as dangerous as rolling any other 4X4?
  19. W

    interior rool bar for overlanding. Yay or nay?

    ouch :( I am certainly not going to be doing anything like that!! so what should an interior hoop cost fitted? I am happy to give fitting it myself a bash as long as it isn't too hard, I guess getting it into position without removing doors and seats is tricky? Something like this is...