1. Bhappy

    Oil warning light

    don,t rely on "the light" go for manual capillary gauge and get a real oil pressure reading and get to know your engine (pressures) that gauge will even tell you if your oil is useless/tired overheated.too thick to thin blah blah its a lot cheaper than a seized engine love your oil gauge an...
  2. Bhappy

    SIII Diesel Clutch probs please help....

    if you got clutch problems buy new master and slave and the bit of pipe joining ,new fluid, bleed the system and forget about it its the only real cure oh if changing clutch aswell do a full borg n beck job plus new release fork genuine parts are cheap so dont mess "buy new" this n brakes if...
  3. Bhappy

    Dickie ignition switch

    just bought one of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8022573823&ssPageName=MERC_VIC_ReBay_Pr4_PcY_BID_IT have been looking for ages for my series 3 diesel these guys supply the components for ford and other big names havnt got it yet but will keep you informed...