1. I

    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    Why? Did you already try to do such work on your Disco? If yes let me know more about!
  2. I

    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    A stupid question I think: is it possible to fit Air Suspensions also on the front axle of my Disco? I thought to get air for them from the existing compressor. Is the compressor strong enought to provide air to all suspensions and punp them up when necessary? Does anyone of you tried to do...
  3. I

    Air shock on the front

    Hallo everybody! As you can understand reading my nickname I'm Italian; so please at first apologize me for my English. Now the questinon: I've got a 2002 Disco with air shock on the rear (as all of Disco II have) but I want to know if it is possible to fit this kind of shock also on the front...