1. R

    What does the 'concours' mean?

    Im new to landys but seriously interested in them. Im reading an add at the moment. it reads "...with heavy steering like all landys and is not concours" what does this mean? if u can shed any light on this for me at all it'd be great, thanks.
  2. R

    1979 defender 90-Am i mad to buy?

    ya, id like the short wheel base rther than the long wheel base. ive never seen a hicap puckup? id prefer the closed back, rather than the open (youth stlye) please excuse my ignorance here with landy lingo, i feel like a plank trying to explain myself! ive got to leave now, get back to you...
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    1979 defender 90-Am i mad to buy?

    im from the south coast of ireland. im looking at autotrader.co.uk every day. there are so many landys in the uk than over here. and the euro is so strong against the pound at the moment, there couldnt be a better time to buy!
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    1979 defender 90-Am i mad to buy?

    i love the 90/defender, and your right im not interested in discos or freelanders etc. I'm a stonemason/landscape gardener by trade so it mostly for pulling smallish loads of a couple of tonne...the 90/def is fine for that right? should i look at newer models if im using the jeep for every...
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    1979 defender 90-Am i mad to buy?

    thanks for that, i guess i have some re-thinking to do! I had a look at the series 3, not mad gone on it on it to be honest. ill stick with it though. cheers
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    1979 defender 90-Am i mad to buy?

    Another newbie here, im interested in getting myself an old defender 90. im thinking of getting a vintage model, older than 1980 like. Cheaper road tax-and so much character! wud i be mad? if u've any advice, suggestions or past experiences i'd love to here about it. thanks p.s. would i get...
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    Defender Prices

    Another newbie here, im interested in getting myself an old defender 90. im thinking of getting a vintage model, older than 1980 like. wud i be mad? any advice, suggestions or past experiences would be hugely appreciated!