1. C

    300tdi boot floor

    Conclusion........... Thanks guys..... I've done it. The video really inspired me and whilst it wasn't quite as easy as it looked, it was not too bad and I'm very pleased with the job and particularly the money saving. I am fortunate in having plenty of free time and have been nibbling away...
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    300tdi boot floor

    Thanks Gents. Very helpful and I particularly like the video. Think I'll have a go !
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    300tdi boot floor

    Having just had excellent responses to a recent fuel problem, I would now ask for advice on a rusting rear floor on my 1996 300tdi. It has now reached the stage where there is a lot of daylight visible through a tranverse rusted gap across the back just infront of the rear door and a similar...
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    300tdi suddenly chnaged to poor starting

    Feedback. Thanks guys . I think and hope I have a fix.. The 3 braided fuel leak off pipes adjacent to injectors were well perished, gungy and wet with fuel. These now replaced with some small bore perspex tubing until I can get some proper tubes. As you suggested looks like I was getting air...
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    300tdi suddenly chnaged to poor starting

    Many thanks so far for thoughts. Certainly feels like air leak with pump needing to prime after standing. Will look around tomorrow and as I'm not as able as you youngsters I'll have a look at leak off pipes first - then we'll have a look underneath - presumably looking for a fuel leak?
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    300tdi suddenly chnaged to poor starting

    1996 300tdi Disco. 190,000 miles. Always guaranteed to start first time but its suddenly started struggling. It fires for a second on first turn then nothing. Crank the engine for some ten seconds and then it will slowly burst in to life and all is well. Only seems to do it on a morning cold...
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    300tdi - An answer to my failed to start.

    Thankyou Sir. I'm afraid my disleccsia kicked in when qwoting the battury sise. Correction appreciated.............
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    300tdi - An answer to my failed to start.

    Thankyou gentlemen. Your kind comments appreciated. Don't forget to put out the sherry and mince pies for Santa. I'm sure he'll be good to you this year..........
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    300tdi - An answer to my failed to start.

    Christmas Eve and needed the Disco. Not even a click when key turned and no sign of life whatsoever except ignition light. Main Battery, Starter motor, new engine ?? ......Aargh. We've all had these nightmares. Put a question into Google and after looking at a few suggestions I had remembered...
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    Auto box experts please. Problems getting into top. TD5 2003.

    Oh dear. No replies. Has anybody any idea what is wrong please?
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    Auto box experts please. Problems getting into top. TD5 2003.

    I'm slowly getting used to my auto box thanks to some good nursing from forum and also a good deal of research into earlier threads. However one problem that will not go away is a reluctance to go into top when e.g. on a motorway run. Yesterday did a 40 mile m/way run and I was at least...
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thanks for all your help gentlemen. I'm going to have a few days with much that I've learnt and understood better in the hope that my fantasies subside. Will report back later.
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thankyou. Clarification on 2. Cold start; straight into reverse with normal delay (perhaps you're right - I'm too impatient ). Then after 20yds reverse, into 3 when stall occurs. Engine idle is 750 hot with c900cold. Did a red plug clean up after initial problems. Well soaked, cleaned...
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Aargh..... should have added still getting roll back in D on a slope. Is this normal?
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Been running round town in third gear and this feels bit better. Not had chance for a country run with a third gear lock trial but presuming from whats been said this will be ok. Couple of technical issues for you please. 1. Usual problem this morning of a cold start and very slow response...
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thank you. Will try.
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thanks guys... that is a little more reassuring. It seems as though what I am describing is quite normal with no obvious transmission problems. I will continue to experiment but with some concern on comment that third gear locks. I know fourth does as I can feel it, but it feels very much as...
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thankyou Biglad............. I can feel the fatherly arm around the shoulder despite me being a pensioner. If you are prepared to read then I am prepared to write. You were good enough to offer some help in my other recent thread of slow to power up in the morning. A further reply started...
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Thankyou Sierrafery. Looks like a big task but I will have a close look.
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    Converting TD5 Auto to Manual Box?

    Love my 2003 Disco but really not getting on well with an auto box. Crossed my mind that it might be possible to convert an auto to a manual box. Can you advise if this is possible, easy, expensive etc. Has anybody done it? Obliged for comments.