1. A

    Key fob not responding

    Replaced RF Receiver car still not responding. Emergency Access Code inputted still not responding, car dead in the water so to speak. The breakers yard is calling.:mad:
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    Key fob not responding

    All good, except RF receiver was replaced a few years ago for the same problem, maybe its that that is the problem again.
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    Key fob not responding

    Hi had this problem a while now but has got to a point where the key fob will light up but the car is not picking it up. Have resynched the key by putting the key in the lock and locking it and pressing the key and the light flashes quickly and then centralising, and then opening the car on the...
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    Radio cassette not working

    I have tried that but still showing 4 dashes on screen, it is not showing 'code in'.
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    Radio cassette not working

    Can anyone advise me on how to reset my radio. The unit is showing 4 dashes on the screen and i cant reset it, please advise best way to solve this as I am going to europe soon and need music to listen to and not the whine of the misses.:scratching_chin:
  6. A

    Non responsive p38

    Thanks for your input it was the RF receiver car now responding, keycode reset and all windows/sunroof reset. The only thing not working is the radio, the screen just showing 4 dashes unable to input the code. All ideas welcome.
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    Non responsive p38

    Thanks for the reply. Done that, but the alarm sounds and the dash is all lit up with the usual faults. Looks like LR will be visited again.
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    Non responsive p38

    Help, car battery went flat so I trickle charged it only for the car to lock me out. On getting back into to the car and clearing the dash of all messages and trying to get it started the car is now showing no response, it is completely dead. I have never had so much trouble with a car because...
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    p38 gas conversion

    Cheers mate, I dont expect it to be cheap but ive had various quotes ranging from 1400 to 2500, just looking for the right one, thanks again.
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    p38 gas conversion

    Will be converting my p38 to gas, is their any one out there who might now somewhere around the midlands who can do a professional job and not cost me the earth.:)
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    Radio code

    Posted a thread on here some time ago, before xmas and just after, about the trouble I was having with my p38 when the battery went flat and me trying to boost the battery with a charger. The result being the car sitting on the drive for 8 weeks whilst I tried every thing I was advised to...
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    p38 keycode

    Got the keycode free of charge but still unable to get the car going myself, now trying a diagnostic expert if they can get it started, never had this trouble with the disco.
  13. A

    p38 keycode

    Hi there, just joined have problem with car not starting, new battery has been put on, now car saying key code lockout. Need to enter keycode but not known, short off going to rip off dealer has anybody got any ideas please. :mad: :mad: :mad: