1. H

    door advice

    so does the dicovery have wider doors on it then..i thought they was the same size as ser ones hugh
  2. H

    door advice

    hey i'm being serious here i need to know if i can put bigger doors on and widen my entre hole
  3. H

    door advice

    hello i need help with my doors i have a '78 ser3 and what i want t o know is,, is it possible to widen the doors and put two bigger seats in instead of the three standard ones. thanks for any advice hugh jarse
  4. H

    Help please to improve electrics on a 90TD

    hello from what i read the op doesn't have a problem under normal conditions, its only when he is driving short distances. and as it takes about two weeks for the battery to show any ill effects. goung throught the whole "mm! i must have a leccy drain somewhere routine" seems abit much. as i...
  5. H


    i think i know of one near .......................nope!! sorry i don't
  6. H

    How Do!

    eh! i like clicked on the quote button dude, far out man
  7. H

    How Do!

    i'm not gonna now
  8. H

    How Do!

    grunt can't you just move the shed indoors???
  9. H

    How Do!

    well if he's not gonna then i'm not gonna either
  10. H

    How Do!

    i'm in need of a spliff now
  11. H

    How Do!

    he said that if i did then he would......so i did....but he didn't...so i wont.....and if i wont then he wont......and the only one that would would be hugh...........but then again he might not.........so if he does..;i will.....and probelly hugh will...............and you might but only if he...
  12. H

    How Do!

    sorry matoe i just couldn't resist it mate
  13. H

    How Do!

    and i though m@@@o was the only one that was premature
  14. H

    How Do!

    hi all i agree with slob he never insulted anyone the only thing i can see is that he asked about checker plate. i think what he:she said was what is the reason for checker plate and matto took ofence at that. imho i think matto should appologise to slob who has helped a few people on this...
  15. H

    So why did you buy a Landy? (Christmas thread)

    a big man in green overalls held a gun to my head