1. brockus

    ting - after valve seal replacement

    Must add that we have tested injectors and one seems to be playing up going to test it tomorrow
  2. brockus

    ting - after valve seal replacement

    Coming up to 280 thousand
  3. brockus

    ting - after valve seal replacement

    Hello, I have recently replaces the valve seals on the disco. I did it with the head in place by doing TDC 1-4 the turning 180 to do 2-3. the seals where knackered and new ones fitted. there was blue some for the first 2-3 mins of driving then cleared, also ran very rough during this time...
  4. brockus

    Disco 1, dim headlight and no intument panel

    Should be 3 wires on alternator that controls rev counter I believe ! Speedo could be a broken wire or popped out of back of panel rare that tho ! Need any more info ask Anthi
  5. brockus

    window reg difference for 200 - 300

    Just to update this from ages ago I have just replaced four of my doors on my 200 for 300 and the different is the rail on the bottom of the window ... On the 300 it is a long one and 200 it is two smaller ones Anth
  6. brockus

    Heated screen switch

    It will need enabling lol u sorted it out yet do u just need relay and switch ? Anthony
  7. brockus

    Heated screen switch

    He can use his imagination and press the button haha Serious note he should see the lines on screen and just to check if connected under bonnet Anthony
  8. brockus

    Heated screen switch

    U will need a realy and switch n someone who can programme it enable it front not sure about ur rear !??? If you lift ur bonnet front window should be connected plugs Each cant miss them ! Anthony
  9. brockus

    It will bite you back.

    Touch it smell it then taste it.......:scratching_chin: Lol
  10. brockus

    Any lanes near hull?

    There should be some you can do Alan just make sure u have breakdown cover just as a back up !!! And windy one I have memory map aswell !! Pm Ur email address and I will email u the root Lro did !! If u want a copy Alan let us Know !! Anthony !!
  11. brockus

    Any lanes near hull?

    Isn't when we did it in April as I got the route from the Lro mag in the same month .... I will check them again tho if I get Time !
  12. brockus

    window reg difference for 200 - 300

    Cheers bud Anthony
  13. brockus

    window reg difference for 200 - 300

    hey as titled my rear os has rotten and broke off luckly it has stayed shut i have been looking and whats the diffenence between the two on paddocks ...? apart from the price ... i have a 200 disco on a ka reg so i would fall in the 32.50 on but has anyone tried fitting the other cheaper on...
  14. brockus

    Any lanes near hull?

    orite windyone .. the L shaped one just before you get into wetwang just off the b1248 that will be hard for freelander !! very rutted and will be over grown a lot trees lots of !!! anthony
  15. brockus

    Yeh and no lol when I get the cash I will lol go up driff wet Wang area lol but just new a job...

    Yeh and no lol when I get the cash I will lol go up driff wet Wang area lol but just new a job lol let us no if u hear of anything !!
  16. brockus

    Any lanes near hull?

    there are a few up near driff but some are quite rutted so ur freelander may not do it... but there is one just outside of hull !! its in conistion ... goes to swine thats ok but it will be over grown now !!! pm when your here i will go down with u if i can :) anthony
  17. brockus

    One button fob battery

    Ok may be that's y I have to be near the car for it To work Haha.
  18. brockus

    One button fob battery

    Hello my d1 200tdi has a one button fob I got talking to someone the other day and they said That the one button fob has two 2032 batteries in it ....? I went does it as I only Have one in it ! And it works ok got to be close to the car Though lol Can you clear this up for me please...
  19. brockus

    Critical Pitch Angle

    I think slide slop is 45 degrees I could be wrong ! That no roof rack or stuff sliding in boot !! Try the disco3 forum !! It has the d4 section. ! Hope that helps a bit ! Anthony
  20. brockus

    Yes its another bastid snorkel question…….

    I have a 200 so has the steel round air box !! So I cut the breather off welded over it and put Flexi pipe over hole with water proof silcone and d/clip !! Then silcone were water could get in haha The fleix runs from bottom of pipe in the inner wing straight to the hole wer the air box...