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    Poor cold starting 2.5DSE

    OK the smoke, Got the wife to give her oppinion! she reckons theres no blue in it at all! she also reckons that it's not white but grey, albeit pale grey. Spoke to a RR specialist, told him the story & how it only smokes in cold weather, he thinks it could be injector No4 that has the...
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    Poor cold starting 2.5DSE

    Heater works fine & there is a stat in it, which works fine, as it shows hotter on hot days & colder on days like this.
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    Poor cold starting 2.5DSE

    Temp gauge only reach's halfway in hot weather with air con on, at which point viscous fan kicks in. in this weather it never reach's half way. I've had this RR since 99 (10 months old) the temp gauge has always been same.
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    Poor cold starting 2.5DSE

    It's had new Oil & Fuel filters as well as a new lift pump (genuine parts). The smoke is mainly white/grey with a hint of blue & it isnt using any oil.
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    Poor cold starting 2.5DSE

    Hi, I've got a RR 2.5DSE (BMW) on a 98 plate. I'm having trouble starting when it's cold, It turns over & fires up first time but I'm getting a bluey white smoke from the exhaust, also it feels like not all the cylinders are fireing when on tick over just after starting. it smokes like this...