1. T

    Missing rear shock!!!

    hi there! i need some advise! i took my landy round my quarry. on the way home the back end seemed slightly more bouncy. My friends said i was imagining it. until further inspestion when we noticed the rear far side shock was missing. im planning on replacing the rear 2 but should i go to up...
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    Re series 3 gearbox

    i done that already, the fault is inside the gear box. its not releasing the cog.
  3. T

    Re series 3 gearbox

    no im not alergic just lost! the garages ive spoke to have put me of. any good tips then?
  4. T

    Re series 3 gearbox

    i live near stevenage and have a series 3 land rover. i cant get it into 3rd or 4th gear. ive taken the top out and it looks like the 3 springs have disapered. no local garage fix gear boxes. should i try myself? i cant actulay find a secondhand gear box anyway a & m gearboxes in edmington...
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    RE Help with gear box

    i live near stevenage and have a series 3 land rover. i cant get it into 3rd or 4th gear. ive taken the top out and it looks like the 3 springs have disapered. no local garage fix gear boxes. should i try myself? i cant actulay find a secondhand gear box anyway a & m gearboxes in...
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    Cant get it into 3rd or 4th gear!

    yeah ive taken the top off the gear box and it seems to be a black disc/bearing not moving back from the cog fully. can you take lots of pic then i will have a go! if you want a hand i no what most of the tools are called.
  7. T

    Cant get it into 3rd or 4th gear!

    I have a 3 series diesel which wont go into 3rd or forth gear. ive taken the top off and had a poke with a srew driver. i can get it into 4th gear but it sticks and wont come out. should i take out and try and fix? or should i replace. any good suggestion what to replace it with. ben
  8. T

    Re: cant get 3rd or 4th gear

    help needed! i have a 3 series land rover. diesel 2.25. 4 speed. cant get it into 3rd or forth gear. even when not running?
  9. T

    Re Front drive shaft

    Oh........... just been for a little spin on the return home the front drive shaft came of... put it in 2x2 and it all good. the knuckle has come apart which connects to the front diff. questions 1. can i drill it and put a bolt throu it? for a short term fix 2. is there likely be damge...
  10. T

    Re: how to brake through ice?

    i made a plough but my bumper wasnt strong enough! i have spare fan belt ect just in case ply board in front of the rad. i have given up now. ill have to be happy in my quarry on my own!
  11. T

    Locking Hubs query ?

    hmm. i dont no of hand, my garage got them from a male order up north! sorry i cant be more help!
  12. T

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    yeah, i still defo ow you two one! im free most of the time. justr let me no when is good for you guys.
  13. T

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Maybe You should pass my way and come have ago in my hole! its next to the a1 welywn.
  14. T

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    maybe i shouldn have listend to the sales man or the little man on my shoulder saying buy it! buy it! ive not needed rescuing yet! hows yr lady going?
  15. T

    Locking Hubs query ?

    i beleive you have fairys which did not comes as stamdard. due to the poor performane of the lanby. with the hubs turn to the 2 x 2 position they let the front axle spin freely with out turn the front diff. if they are land rover fairys you can by repair packs.
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    Newbie alert

    hi newbie, im always up for going out, i also have my own quarry with lots of different slopes if you want a controlled enviroment to test yr motor with out damaging it
  17. T

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Hi All, Im back again! ive traded the disco in and got a 3 series defender. (how slow). if anyone is planning to do some laning and they want a tag along let me no
  18. T

    Re: how to brake through ice?

    i cant give up smoking! so i pretty determind to prove that i can accomplish something. wot about fiiting a snow blade onto my bull bars?
  19. T

    Re: how to brake through ice?

    i tried to take my series 3 through furneux pelham but it is frozen. i made it about 10m but when the ice got to bumper level it holted me! my mate ramed it in his trojen in reverse with no sucess. any ideas how to over come this problem.
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    Who Wants to come and play in my 2.5 acre hole

    give me a ding dong if interested 07824446774