1. W

    freelander V8 i wish

    MMM sounds interesting:D
  2. W

    freelander V8 i wish

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible for me to take out my dead v6 and replace it with a v8:smokin:
  3. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    Your the 3rd person to forward this address to me so lets hope so :boxing:
  4. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    Cheers for the address uncle daft!! I have forwarded it onto trading standards!! so kiss my :mooning: gary hosler you swindling fat toxxer!!
  5. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    Yup more or less, dear old gary hosler put the phone down several times... Doesnt want to know basicly. On a better note trading standards seemed to be more interested today... Still get the feeling im on to a losing battle thou,
  6. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: hello again just thought id say again "DO NOT BUY ANY TYPE OF VEHICLE FROM GARY HOSLER FROM STOCKPORT" AS HE IS A RIPOFF COWBOY AND SHOULD BE HANGED!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :ban: gary hosler:ban: gary hosler
  7. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    :screaming_bug_eye_f OKAY!! WELL well thanks for the help guys im off to find a corner to cry in lol..
  8. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    Hi there, no i bought the freelander off the autotrader website advertised as "private sale" but after doing a little bit of investigation it seems that the guy i got the car from is a "TRADER" i called this what can i call him wXXXXr, yep that should do it! Real name gary hosler from...
  10. W

    My poor V6 has a poorly head please help!!!

    :mad: Hi to you all, I recently returned to owning a landrover spending my savings on a very tidy freelander auto V6i es o3 plate with just 52000 on the clock. About two weeks ago my pride and joy started to over heat so i took it to my local garage to have this investigated...... To my...