1. BetMiddle

    Removing steering wheel hell!

    thanks for all the help guys. after trying all the above options (apart from the ebay wheel remover, lack off cash atm) i finally got it off with one big hit from a rubber mallet! not ideal but it worked woohoo! 1 step closer to a fixed landy and a happy driver! cheers
  2. BetMiddle

    Removing steering wheel hell!

    thanks will try it tomoz and post the outcome cheers
  3. BetMiddle

    Removing steering wheel hell!

    hi ive been trying to remove my steering wheel on my 1987 110. after removing the retaing nut i firstly tried to pull it off....no success. next i tried to fabricate a puller as it says in good old haynes manual....no success. i can only imagine its so hard because it hasnt been removed since...
  4. BetMiddle

    No tarmac please, we're British!

    im up for that may know a few others who would be up for it in wales. keep me posted matt
  5. BetMiddle

    Oi Ratty

    its all about chips with way toomuch vinegar and a clarks pie!(for those not in the know its minced beef n onion only available in cardiff and surounding area!!!)
  6. BetMiddle

    is this suitable?

    oki doki will chek in the morn as its way to cold n snowy to leave the comp!!!!
  7. BetMiddle

    is this suitable?

    am i right in thinkin i need a salibury diff guard for the rear as i have a 110?
  8. BetMiddle

    is this suitable?

    ok cheers
  9. BetMiddle

    is this suitable?

    isnt the 1 i posted a steering and diff guard?
  10. BetMiddle

    is this suitable?

    i have been looking for second hand steering guard/ diff guards/ tank guards ect for my 110 found this on ebay Landrover Defender 90 110 axle steering diff guard on eBay, also, Land Rover, Car Parts, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 09-Feb-09 20:32:11 GMT) and as its pretty close to me, so...
  11. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    cheers mate
  12. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    yeah its just the rear ones by the looks of it. it also looks like someone has tried to weld it to the rear tub underneath?? or is it just the rust? it looks like this on both sides
  13. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    ha ow well for thinking it would be a 2min job!!!
  14. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    wheres the best place to look for the cappings?
  15. BetMiddle

    anybody going green laning in wales soon?

    ghaad wish i could, totaly looked over the fact i have to tax the landy thus spending all my spare cash on what is essentially a round bit of paper :( so i will be working this weekend to be able to eat next week. not good, please keep me posted if your doing anything in the coming weeks as i...
  16. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    ahh i see well hopefully i dont have to replace all that it looks like its just the cornor capping, just need to fine some replacements now n i can whip it off.
  17. BetMiddle

    has anybody got a side indicator...

    quite easy just find an admin and offer them a new roll cage for their disco....:P
  18. BetMiddle

    whats the best option?

    Rear tub???? whats that?
  19. BetMiddle

    JATE rings

    cheers bey