1. J

    Freelander XDi - whats reliability like?

    Thanks 1999 1.8 LAND ROVER FREELANDER SILVER SUPERB CONDITION on eBay, also, Land Rover Range Rover, Cars, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 27-Nov-08 11:50:54 GMT) That's the Ebay link for the Petrol car
  2. J

    Freelander XDi - whats reliability like?

    Thanks, did you have any big issues with it in that time? Edit: Sorry a few other bits 1) As before what is the difference between the Xedi and Xdi? 2) Where is the best place to look to buy one? (been only looking on ebay at the moment) 3) Read on here about ones going for under £2000...
  3. J

    Freelander XDi - whats reliability like?

    Hi Found this link through google and hope you don't mind me posting in the same thread but i'm in the same situation to. Was looking at a 1.8 Petrol and almost bought one then saw the problems and put me right off, then saw the 2 litre diesel and decided on that one after reading this...