1. 2

    Just bought a 60 year old 107" and about to drive it 1000 mi home...any tips?

    The belated post detailing my exploits with the Series One is finally up - enjoy! http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f15/1000-miles-through-new-zealand-four-days-60-year-old-series-1-a-275722.html#post3371555
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    1000 miles through New Zealand in four days...in a 60 year old Series 1

    Kiaora Landy lovers! I asked for some pre-purchase advise before picking up my first Series 1, and had several requests for a photo blog of my adventures bringing her home from Christchurch. Better late than never, here it is! Meet Lucille (this photo taken at Hanmer Springs). She is a 1954...
  3. 2

    Just bought a 60 year old 107" and about to drive it 1000 mi home...any tips?

    Awesome, thanks for all the input folks. Yes I have an AA Plus subscription, that covers me up to $1500 so as long as it breaks down in the North Island I won't have to pay a cent to get home. Will also pack my socket set, vise grips, basic tools, some points and leads (fingers crosseed no...
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    Just bought a 60 year old 107" and about to drive it 1000 mi home...any tips?

    As the title suggests, I have just surpassed my previous experience with vintage Landys (a 1971 IIA) with the purchase of a 1954 107" pickup (#47260168, making it the 168th 107" Landy for RHD export). Here she is in all her glory: Land Rover Other Series 1 107 1954 | Trade Me Me and my...
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    110 suspension into Range Rover?

    *I'm 50km from Auckland on the west coast :)
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    110 suspension into Range Rover?

    Ok thanks, glad I asked here. I could have sworn they looked the same diameter, just thicker steel. Was hoping to avoid the much more expensive heavy duty kits, but I suppose that is the only way now.
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    110 suspension into Range Rover?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently giving my RRC a once-over preparing for daily use over summer, and planning to replace the (imo substandard) suspension. My old Disco had Old Man Emu's which were great, the pro-comp shocks not so much, as many people here have also expressed. Budget is fairly tight...
  8. 2

    just bought p38 diesel...some advice please esp. re autobox

    Update: thanks for everyone's replies. 4000km covered now and shifting smoothly (just done 800km towing three tonnes). I think the transmission was suffering from lack of use. It has improved somewhat and Datatek's comment that it needs a heavy boot is reassuring. Still won't mount a large kerb...
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    just bought p38 diesel...some advice please esp. re autobox

    Thanks for the links, that should help a lot. Datatek - it drives perfectly once underway, but won't start moving if it has to overcome a large bump or hill. It will rev to 1500 and sit there straining. Almost as if the torque converter isn't slipping as much as it should.
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    just bought p38 diesel...some advice please esp. re autobox

    Gidday all. I've just acquired a 1997 p38 diesel automatic, my seventh and definitely most complicated Landy. There's a few things I'm unsure of. 1) Reticence to start off when effort required. Most notably in reverse, it will struggle to get moving on a steep hill or bump. It will rev just...
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    Anybody coming to NZ in the near future who wants a Landy to drive when over here?

    So, what do 'too young' people do for insurance? I realise that people start driving later over there (I was driving on the road at 12 and got my license at 15) I'll be getting my UK license as I have dual citizenship and will most likely be returning to earn some 'real money' once I...
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    Anybody coming to NZ in the near future who wants a Landy to drive when over here?

    Thanks for your comments. Kiwi's too trusting? Maybe, but even in Auckland everybody pretty much knows each other so those who do the dirt on others find they've shat in their own nest sooner or later. Back on the insurance topic, if I was to buy a vehicle for the 3 months and then onsell it...
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    Anybody coming to NZ in the near future who wants a Landy to drive when over here?

    That is yet to be determined...however for anybody coming to New Zealand and using my Landy my insurance policy has an option to add named drivers to the vehicle at no extra cost. Not sure how things work over there other than knowing that you must have insurance to drive in the UK and the...
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    Anybody coming to NZ in the near future who wants a Landy to drive when over here?

    Hi folks, Sorry to repost but this is a follow up to my previous request. I have not found anyone to do a vehicle exchange with and thought I'd give it one more crack. If you are intending to travel to New Zealand, my 109 is perfectly equipped for touring. I am arriving in London on 17...
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    300TDI A/C Compressor mystery, and how to replace electrics without losing gas?

    Hi all, The air conditioning on the '97 300tdi I have just sold has never blown cold in the 3 months I have owned it. The blower works fine and when the A/C button is pressed a slight drop in revs can be heard from the idling engine, consistent with what I'd expect from all the electrical...
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    What will you'r next motor be ?

    Agreed...a true classic and a special vehicle to take out at the weekend. The ultimate Range Rover in my opinion. Did you know that the L322 with the 4.4 only just matches the power to weight ratio of the LSE 4.2? So much for progress... When I read "What will your next motor be?" I was...
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    What's most suitable for work leaf or parabolic?

    I've just fitted new rear leaves to my 109, and did a fair bit of research due to the high cost here in NZ. I use my truck to run a gardening business, haul trailers, play off road in the weekends and occasionally ferry up to 11 mates around, so needed springs that were going to be heavy duty...
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    Land Rover Exchange to New Zealand...anybody interested?

    Thanks for your offer....I may well take you up on it if nothing else crops up. From my casual research on eBay, it looks like I'm more likely to find a cheap vehicle up round the Midlands, would that be a fair assessment? On another note, I joined LandyZone a few years ago to ask some...
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    Land Rover Exchange to New Zealand...anybody interested?

    Trust is a two way thing...and always a bit of a risk that may or may not pay off! But in general Landy owners seem to follow an unspoken moral code, stopping to help broken down cars and Series/Defender owners giving that knowing wave as we pass each other on the road (apart from the occasional...
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    Land Rover Exchange to New Zealand...anybody interested?

    My flight booking, which isn't set in stone yet, arrives in London on 15 April and leaves Dublin on 10 July. Rough plan is to catch up with family in Birmingham and Leicester briefly before working my way north towards the eventual goal of travelling through the Scottish highlands, returning in...