1. R

    Converting to coils

    you could also take off compressor and sell it on ebay, mighy help pay for the springs
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    Isn't this a Jaguar engine, maybe worth a look on few jag sites
  3. R

    How to check Pressure Reducing Valve

    sounds more like stuck caliper either buy a new one or remove free up and give a good clean
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    New V8 owner

    i would start with the easy stuff does it have LPG fuel ? then go throu system checking each part of system
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    Too much oil

    Thats could explain my intermittment mis fire when cold which has gone away since i drained the oil to the right level
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    Too much oil

    where can it go ?
  7. R

    intermittent misfire 3.9 doin my nut in!

    i would run on petrol to see if affecting just LPG or both fuel systems. If both when the LPG was installed did they adjust the mix or set up ? LPG does require a good spark so work back plugs leads coils. Hope that helps
  8. R

    Have just bought Disco 2 4L V8 - to LPG or not to LPG??

    agree go for underslung tanks but if ACE has been fitted you may find you do not have enough room. I had it fitted to mine but involved replacing the petrol tank with a smaller version and fitting the LPG tanks along side. LPG preforms just as well as petrol but i could do with a few more...
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    Too much oil

    The only thing i noticed was a slight mis fire which has gone since i drained some off. I did think about leaving it as it does leak a little but saw the message on the drip stick not to over fill as it could cause damage
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    Too much oil

    I put too much oil at my last service approx 2L too much and have run for over 1000 miles before realising. Would this have done any damage do i need to take any further steps (apart from draining a bit off ?) Thanks in advance.
  11. R

    LPG conversion advice on a Disco 4

    YOu can convert a D3 so should be the same as D4
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    Ramdon Misfire

    what you say makes sense but i have had these issues since Feb and no noticeable loss of coolant. Would a compression test prove this one way or another ?
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    Ramdon Misfire

    i have put some additional coolant in but very miniual approx mug full in last 3 months. Would a compression test prove this one way to another ?
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    Ramdon Misfire

    that sounds expensive, are there any ways of testing for this other than stripping the engine down and removing the heads ?
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    Removing bump stop remains

    apply a bit of heat ?
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    Ramdon Misfire

    sorry i mean't 8 plugs, yes local garage have put on tester and the misfire can occur on any of the clinders and it changes. So on Monday 1 and 8 will misfire and tuesday 2 and 5 so its completely random. It first occured when temp was very cold below zero c but when engine had warmed up went...
  17. R

    Ramdon Misfire

    Hi I have 2004 V8 which has developed an intermittent fault, it starts a random misfire, normally when cold but lately also happens when warm. I have changed all 6 spark plugs, leads both coil packs and fuse box. My local garage have run out of ideas and other suggestions where to look.
  18. R

    Disco 2 4.0 V8 Engine Whine.

    turn the radio on and i bet it goes away !
  19. R

    Motorway cruising?

    Think the V8 is better able to cope - As we are off to skiing its cold so no over heating issues very experienced
  20. R

    Motorway cruising?

    i travel out to Austria every year and happily go along on German autobans at 85 to 90 mile per hours- V8 under LPG