1. B

    White Smoke!!!!!

    i'd like to see somebody else pictures first before i go an make a complete tit of myself!:eek: :eek:
  2. B

    White Smoke!!!!!

    Guys, thanks for all the comments regarding my freelander (gaylander ? have i joined the right site!!!!!) & white smoke, but the problem has now been resolved it was a block oil feeder pipe, which has now had a new filter and a clean and now runs fine. as for owning a freelander, i think they...
  3. B

    White Smoke!!!!!

    Hi just joined and currently having an issue with My Freelander TD4 and white smoke under idleing conditions and hard acceleration. Engine was Chipped 2 years ago by JE Engineering and what a difference that made, but recently the above has started to happen. could it be a blocked or faulty...