1. B


    Solved my own problem guys, if anyone is interested the intake manifold was not torqued up properly.DOH!
  2. B

    body kit SIIa

    May i respectfully suggest you might be happier with a Suzuki Vitara?The S11a is a classic.Sell it to someone who will enjoy it for what it is.
  3. B


    Strange noise on my Series 3 is driving me mad!After about two miles from cold,a strange high pitched whine eminates from the engine bay on overrun only.It is related to engine speed directly,lasts about 15 secs in neutral on tickover,then disapears!May be related to a slight misfire.Both...
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    Hi everybody.Just like to intoduce myself.Not a total landy virgin,but new to this!(owned Series 1 v8 conversion many moons ago).Like to ask a question from you all.I own a series 3 petrol with 7.50x16,s on,and as i am a bit of a poser would like to fit 31.10.50x15,s on 8 spokes.Anybody forsee...