1. H

    Essex lanes

    Anone got a free day for an outing???
  2. H

    You out & about for a day in the next couple of weeks...?

    You out & about for a day in the next couple of weeks...?
  3. H

    Essex lanes

    Are you sure......! I thought they all done that.:hysterically_laughi :brick:
  4. H

    Essex lanes

    Yep that sounds good. Keep in touch & hopefully a few more will join in for a day out, within the next couple of weeks.
  5. H

    Essex lanes

    Anyone...........! A day out..? So.....Some time in the next couple of weeks?? Haven't had a chance to get out in the old girl lately.
  6. H

    Essex lanes

    Is anyone going for a day out laning soon....? I'm up for it.
  7. H

    Essex lanes

    Does that comment refer to those who drive a land rover or are you generalising Georgey boy.......????????????? :blabla: :D:D
  8. H

    Essex lanes

    Your in the wrong place....! :D:D:D
  9. H

    abingdon 4x4 festival 25th-26th sep

    Abingdon was great as usual. Saturday was perfect weather. (Very sunny - as by the glare in the pic - Corker of a day though)
  10. H

    Essex lanes

    Always use protection then...! Make sure everythings lubed & greased. Get your big end in order Your rubber is full of tread Oh........Well I thought it was funny I'll get me coat.:doh:
  11. H

    Essex lanes

    Can start from Harlow...?? Go Northwards -(Do Violets) Head Towards Stansted - On to Thaxted - Across to Braintree - etc etc. George you take over at this bit. there's quite a few lanes to do that way. It's a drivers choice.
  12. H

    Essex lanes

    George always the comedian...! I cant wait to pull you out of a little rut......:D:D End of Sept is good for me.
  13. H

    Essex lanes

    Hi Mike Great, well If anyone would like to set a date.....??? George666 you about?? Gavin?? Spurs?? Goonarmy?? (I often see your motor parked up) Gman??.......Do you have a working vehicle??? Any one else...! Mike......Hilux one....:clap2::clap2:
  14. H

    Essex lanes

    If anyone looks at that & thinks any different to me....Then -... Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. (To quote Rhett Butler) I will - I do. Yep One of Essex' finest ??...twots...?? (Not ignorant though - I know what I'm referring to. I am not unaware because of a lack of relevant...
  15. H

    Essex lanes

    YOU PRICK..! It's called an expression....! Always some TOSSER ready to jump on the I'm better than you brigade. You dont like my expressions - Dont read them. If you'd ever been out with me You'd know how I respect what I do. BUT you Haven't ------------ ****er. I bet...
  16. H

    Essex lanes

    SO......! Is anyone up for a day out soon. Loads of rain....Monster tyres....Where's the mud..?
  17. H

    Caught red handed

    So long as it isn't me truck......All good here.:D
  18. H

    Caught red handed

    Right...You can F*** right off, You ***, I tell you what you ****, I have never been so insulted you ******* ****. How dare you call it a car - you ******* ****. IT's A BEAST........! :violent:
  19. H

    Caught red handed

    OOOOOPssssssssss....!!!! Just remembered, I shouldn't post on here. Some ONE doesn't like me...:doh: follow the lines & click.........................................................................................http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/isnt-site-just-landys-86877.html...
  20. H

    Caught red handed

    I nearly had to have a mass-debate after wading through that lot...! :cheer2::cheer2::lvfrench-kiss-008: