1. F

    is baldhu open

    does any1 know if baldhu is open for 4x4s on sunday 7th:confused:
  2. F

    baldhu on the 7th

    hey whos up for baldhu on sunday the 7th fancy gett in muddy:rolly:
  3. F

    new member hello

    whats this bodmin moor stuff vengful elephant
  4. F

    baldhu tommorrow

    isnt there a plymouth club do at bush farm on the 7th
  5. F

    new member hello

    :crazy_driver: hiya all im new to this forum stuff just wondering if anyone knows of any green lanes around bodmin or surrounding area im situated in tintagel... iv got a disco v8 with mods and wana go out and get muddy any1 wana meet up and go and play....
  6. F

    baldhu tommorrow

    is any1 up for baldhu 2mrw sun 30th i wana get my new 33 s dirty:rolly: