1. Debs

    Blue 110 county station wagon from Wigan

    It's only ruddy found!! Mersey police found it that morning but it wasn't stolen according to the dvla til a few days later and so was just sitting in storage as we are Gte Manchester. Knakd steering column and ripped out wheel but other than that nothing missing! amazing.
  2. Debs

    Blue 110 county station wagon from Wigan

    Just had a cut off switch but apparently they figured it out or bypassed it. :doh:
  3. Debs

    Blue 110 county station wagon from Wigan

    That's from last year so the doors/windows are different but you get the idea. Its got a pig sticker on the bonnet too.
  4. Debs

    Blue 110 county station wagon from Wigan

    Is there a way of adding a pic that isn't online?
  5. Debs

    Blue 110 county station wagon from Wigan

    Hi all, our beloved landy was nicked last night. 2" sus lift, military type sliding windows, BFG MTs on white 8 spokes, 140+K miles, cut down sliding tow hitch, safari snorkel. N541 AAS Thanks for reading, that was our wedding car (different back body now), we toured Europe in it and it...
  6. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Oh yeah, we're going Ramsgate-Ooestend then along the E40 around Brussels then to Arden on the E314. we've been told Lille is full of road works so we'll be scooting around that. Then over to Wein and follow the signs for Hungary! -Not forgetting to stop at the shell garage to buy the tax thing...
  7. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    We're packing! Setting off tomorrow, seems like tons of stuff to do still. Been chatting to a chap at our local garage who takes his 300tdi defender to romania and back twice a month. He's given us a few handy insights, and mentioned the tax thing in Hungary. This fella 's ex AA station wagon...
  8. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Update time! Again been busy sorting out the trip with work in the way too. New cambelt, split charge system for the Engel and lights etc, repaired the slight wobble on the steering, still got to change all the oils (most are full of mud!), the back (interior) is looking brilliant- will have...
  9. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thanks for the advice, we have heard a lot of comments very similar to this. Don't worry, we will be on our guard x
  10. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Hi, just having a quick check. Am really busy with work so no time to stop!! Will be back within the next couple of weeks to update you x
  11. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thanks, this is brilliant and exactly what we need! Getting a bit overwhelmed looking at the map with not much idea where to go. Think it's good preperation for when we go to Africa for 6months- a year in the next few years!!
  12. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thats brilliant thanks Flavius! We will have a look at you route on the map and do a bit of research online.
  13. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thanks RaceToBamako, that's exactly what we want. Please can you give me some more details? Thanks x
  14. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thanks for your thoughts, we are waiting for my medical contact within UNICEF to get back to us after speaking to particular neonatal units. We are also taking lots of baby blankets and clothing that can be used for newborns.
  15. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Think I confused you a bit really with my bad examples, it's hard to explain without going into all the technical terminology!! There isn't anything 'unclean' or 'used' and UNICEF are assisting us with what is needed. Often we replace our suppliers as new products are available, creating an...
  16. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    Thanks for your concerns. We have been dealing with UNICEF so all the issues raised are being dealt with at the moment. Do you want original Branston or the ghastly smooth stuff they make to go on butties?:D
  17. Debs

    England to Romania in October08

    I suppose it depends where you go really, am in contact with a few different charities and have seen very recent pictures of poor conditions - in comparision to where I work which is a very rich hospital with all the latest technology and gadgets. Thanks for your comments, will bear the North in...
  18. Debs

    Hi everyone

    Lots of banging and grunting :rolleyes:
  19. Debs

    Do you flash ?

    Yeah maybe go with a soothing yellow instead.
  20. Debs

    Hi everyone

    Collie called Molly. Sh'es lying on the front windowsill watching my fella do the landy.