1. G


    Thanks, will try them next time. I have allowed 12K miles for the year, I dont know how much cheaper for less. Insurance paperwork arrived in todays post - actual cost is £229.89. It is a Discovery 1996 2.5 TDi ES and I bought it because I live on the North East coast and need a practical...
  2. G

    Billing 2005 HELP PLEASE

    Since you say you have been 'debited', I am assuming you have used eithr a credit card or switch arrangement - in which case the card issuer or your bank should be able to give you details. Hope that helps.....
  3. G


    Just insured mine as second vehicle (therefore no attributable no claims discount - used on main vehicle). Got a quote from direct line - fully comp approx £920, TFT approx £750. Phoned the AA - fully TFT £530, Fully Comp £234. Yep! Fully comp is cheaper that TFT.