1. W

    unrestricted lanes

    hi just looked up on my local council website according to that byways with red signs are unrestricted can anyone confirm that as i got a few lanes like this on my doorstep just dont wanna get grief / bull from plod/ramblers and i am itching to drive em if legal
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    thanks that should do the trick
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    hi just wondering if theres any reason a defender snorkel wont fit a disco , i got a 94 3.9 v8 and all the ads i seen in mags etc show defender ones being shed loads cheaper my disco aint the prettiest and i,m not bothered about asthetics just want as cheap a snorkel as i can get
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    How do I get started??

    i aint far from lambourne so if anything going on out this way wouldnt mind latching on also need to learn me way around these things only been out on one pay and play 2nd one coming up this weekend if you lot dont mind of course
  5. W

    Look and Listen to my v8 monster.

    thought you had nicked me number plate till i went outside and checked mine same except 814 sounds good gotta love a v8 even if the juice means we eat lard breakfast dinner and tea :- )
  6. W

    tips for off road

    all helpful stuff guys some i thought of some i hadnt not much good with the stalled stuff though cos mine is an auto cheers for all advice
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    tips for off road

    thanks guys will take on board and hopefully not kill it before i know what im at
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    tips for off road

    ok all help totally apreciated any tips for how to not knacker my disco when off roading , at the mo just running at the hills/inclines and hoping for the best and then worry about the coming down bit after i get to the top all tips gratefully received
  9. W

    auto disco,s

    mean it will work in high and low 4wd shouldve made that clear soz wasnt sure if it needed to be in neutral transfer box to be 2wd if not offroad if permanant 4wd that answers my question thanks am sure there will be millions more other the next few months :-d
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    auto disco,s

    ok might be a very stupid question but my v8i auto only moves if transfer box is in high not too sure how it works properly as i am totally in the dark with 4x4 read somewhere not too drive the it in 4wd when on the road so just want to make sure i aint gonna knacker the box going between...