1. Clarey

    Freelander Electric Window Repair Kit - Cheap solution to problem which works!!

    hee hee, good idea, hope it works David, doorstops a lot cheaper than winders. Try ebay UK, as many sellers often list damaged window mechanisms so you may pick up the part relatively cheap. Good luck, Clare
  2. Clarey

    Freelander Electric Window Repair Kit - Cheap solution to problem which works!!

    hee hee, had a panic other day as window stopped working......thought about that damn glue. Turned out my battery had died doh!:p
  3. Clarey

    HELP - Freelander 1.8XEI Loss of power

    many thanks for the reply. After getting someone to look at it (foc of course!) turns out I am the problem!! Thinking I was doing a good job, topped up oil and all other consumables! However put too much oil in, therefore when under pressure oil leaking into dis cap, causing sparks to go...
  4. Clarey

    Freelander Electric Window Repair Kit - Cheap solution to problem which works!!

    Oh dear just waitin for the glue to go..............fingers crossed!
  5. Clarey

    Freelander Electric Window Repair Kit - Cheap solution to problem which works!!

    My electric window tension wires recently went on my Freebie. Wanting to save a fortune, I purchased a repair kit from shebay for £20 (seller ecrofting). Was rather dubious about this, but after a few hours of hard work, sweat, tears, damaged nail varnish and broken nails, my electric window...
  6. Clarey

    HELP - Freelander 1.8XEI Loss of power

    Hi, can anyone help me with a problem? It is a 99 Freelander. Today when driving it was fine, then all of a sudden its started hicking and fartin, losing power and eventually grinding to a halt. I had no acceleration unless I dropped into 1st gear. Unfortunately cant drive on A1M in 1st gear...