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    Lets have a little fun What is the biggest Engine

    Lets remember folks, it`s not the size that counts, it`s what you do with it!! :D . Or is bigger really better?:confused:
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    Hello Paul, have you got/been using a 6-sided socket to get the bolts out?. If not, can you beg, borrow or maybe not steal one, they`re worth their weight in gold for jobs like yours. Best of luck! , Pete. :)
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    gearbox removal

    Allright Clive, (1) g/box going to plan- not in any great rush to finish the job quickly as the dry weather and my employee`s bus pass is giving me time to sort all the little bits out. (2)Could`nt work for myself, i`d never get out of bed in the morning!. (3) Problem not actually the `box- it`s...
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    gearbox removal

    Hi-ya sunking 101, okay thanks, as Clive said, it was tight but it did come out. By the time i`d finished, probably half of my workmates had been involved in some capacity, either offering genuine advice and help, or in some(well most) cases taking the mick! Horrible people. Hope the good one`s...
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    gearbox removal

    Thanks for that Clive, eating an extra Weetabix as I type, ready to do the job tomorrow !. Thanks again, Pete.
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    gearbox removal

    Hello everybody, before I start thrutching, anyone know if the `box will come out of my 2a with the overdrive still attatched?. It looks awful close to the centre crossmember to me. :confused: