1. T

    2001 disco 2 revs pulsing and loss of power

    I don’t currently but will be getting one at the weekend.
  2. T

    2001 disco 2 revs pulsing and loss of power

    yeah although it doesn’t reset every time I switch it off and restart.
  3. T

    2001 disco 2 revs pulsing and loss of power

    yeah it is between 2 and 3000rpm
  4. T

    2001 disco 2 revs pulsing and loss of power

    I just recently bought a 2001 td5 discovery 2 auto. If I put my foot down, the revs pulse and it feels as if there virtually no power at all, almost like the turbo isn’t working or it’s in limp mode or something. It has been fine the past month i’ve had it and only just started having this...
  5. T

    I just recently bought a 2001 td5 discovery 2 auto. If I put my foot down, the revs pulse and...

    I just recently bought a 2001 td5 discovery 2 auto. If I put my foot down, the revs pulse and it feels as if there virtually no power at all, almost like the turbo isn’t working or it’s in limp mode or something. It has been fine the past month i’ve had it and only just started having this...