1. D

    Which engine is this?

    Recently came in to a late series 2a but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have the original engine. I think I have found the engine number towards the back of the engine (closest to windscreen) on the left hand side, and it begins with 12J ..... which would make it a 90/110 2495cc engine (using...
  2. D

    Wiring for heater matrix

    Thanks for your replies, really helpful. Sorry for my slow reply, got a bit disheartened when I realised it was missing the blower unit and thought maybe I should just forget about it and add an aux diesel heater under the cubby box/3rd seat. Its most likely going to be used mainly in the...
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    Wiring for heater matrix

    I’ve just become the proud owner of a series 3 88 canvas top 1970. So far I’ve fixed the indicators and brake light and now having a go at fixing the heater. I’ve traced the wires from the switch on the dash and found them by the matrix unattached. Struggling to see where they attach to though...