1. R

    Dying F1 Help

    Oh OK I thought that I had already confirmed yhat it wasn't loosing coolant - my error 👍
  2. R

    Dying F1 Help

    Coolant tank lid seems OK- no cracks and it's definitely holding pressure. Thermostat looks the same but is black in colour as opposed to the previous one which was originally yellowish !! I guess I will.empty coolant, remove the thermostat to check, flush the system then refill & bleed &...
  3. R

    Dying F1 Help

    Hi many thanks for your reply. Yes the top hose from the radiator feels hard! As for the radiator being hot all over I'm not sure. I did replace the thermostat when the HG was done but not sure that the cooling system was flushed. Coolant tank cap looks OK but is there a test that I can do? Cheers
  4. R

    Dying F1 Help

    Hi All any sensible suggestions ? Similar experiences? 2003 plate Freelander 1 - 1.8 petrol. Starts, idles smoothly, revs rise smoothly with no missing, drives but lacks power!! Hills are a problem !! engine getting hotter than normal but not overheating. I have replaced water temperature...