1. W

    Rear DLR not working

    Where are the earths for the rear day time runners ?
  2. W

    Rear DLR not working

    So I own a 1994 300tdi she has been a dream for the last year with no problems and now in the last couple of days I have been having some strange things happen. Symptoms - rear DLRs not working and when the do the flicker on and off - break lights work intermittently - blower does not...
  3. W

    Yearly check

    I’ll definitely have a look thank you. Yeah you are right probably is best to do mileage instead.
  4. W

    Yearly check

    Hi. I am looking to put together a list of things to check on my 300 TDI on a yearly basis. I have had her for around 1 year now and she has been a dream I use the old girl as my daily driver so need it working well all the time. I would appreciate some help for more experience people to put...