1. P

    Disco 4 running for 1 minute only

    Wow thank you for that diagnosis! The only thing I don’t understand is why it worked so well for so long with a zero reading. It suddenly went wrong 2-3km after topping up the tank
  2. P

    Disco 4 running for 1 minute only

    No I don’t. The fuel gauge shows no fuel. It stopped working a 3 weeks ago it just says no fuel even when I know it’s full. I’ve filled up at least 5 times since. Is there something that protects the engine by switching it off then?
  3. P

    Disco 4 running for 1 minute only

    Hi My discovery 4 only runs for a minute and then cuts out. Restarts fine. However when running every 5 seconds it does a little judder! The garage has drained the tank to make sure only diesel in and then replaced the fuel filter. Still doing the same thing Any ideas on what it could be or...