1. G

    Clutch Will Not Depress.

    Any idea why my 200tdi Discovery's clutch pedal would become rock solid suddenly??
  2. G

    Handbrake release mechanism

    Hi, I've managed to over extend the hand brake release mechanism whilst removing the centre console and now - of course - it wont work. Other an getting a new one, any suggestions on how to fix it. Cheers Mark
  3. G

    200tdi Transmission oil leak

    Just had my transmission oil replaced any now I have a major leak from the front prop seal. I assume that this is because the new oil is less viscous and is getting out. How hard is it to replace this old seal? Is a gear box out job? Thanks
  4. G

    Disco likes it's shocks to much

    Yep tried that, first thing I did. Didn't work but thanks anyway.
  5. G

    The Little B****RD'S !!!!!

    My disco is so old (and it's parked next to my highly alarmed , immobilised, trackered,sports car) that only a no-joy rider would steal it - and by the time it's down the end of the road it would have broken down - That's why I love her...:)
  6. G

    Disco likes it's shocks to much

    My disco will not let go of it's shocks. They have been put on so tight that the shocks spin when I try to undo the the bolts - some people!:mad: Any ideas for getting them off? I'm thinking of taking a nut-spitter to them. As this is my first time changing landy shocks, any hints and tips...