1. B

    auto gear change problem can any one help

    After changing oil and filters then kickdown assembly I decided to get rid as the only solution was a new box so sold it and got a BMW
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    Transfer lever solid in high

    the jiggling worked with a bit of force now i'll be able to go off road:D
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    Transfer lever solid in high

    Thanks i'll have a tinker with it later:p
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    auto gear change problem can any one help

    I couldnt find it it the haynes either so i booked it in at a local auto centre £90 all in so they can get full of oil give me a break:)
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    Transfer lever solid in high

    its in neutral does it just go up or left or right then up or it it seized?:(
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    Transfer lever solid in high

    I tryed to move the transfer lever to low gar but is jamed solid I dont think its ever been used has anyone got a solution:confused:
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    Disco likes it's shocks to much

    use a nut splitter hire a good one the ones you buy are rubbish they split before the nut does:eek:
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    auto gear change problem can any one help

    I have a discovery 3.9 V8i auto the box changes ok from 1 to 2 then it sometimes changes to 3 at 3000 rpm and sometimes much higer then the change 3 to 4 is ok the auto oil is a dirty brown colour i know it should be red is this the problem :confused: or could it be somthing else;)