1. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Okay, just checked with your connector-plan and it seems that I messed up the motors. Now suddenly everything makes sense. Datatek, thanks so much for your help here! Also many thanks to pwood and anyone else who spend some time to help me here!! Wishing you all the most beautiful weekend ever!
  2. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    I had no idea that three is a connector layout section in rave - I'm learning, which is just great! Unfortunately I couldn't find the connector 253. But still great!!
  3. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Oh wow, that's a treasure for sure - thanks Datatek! On the photo of my plug, would you say port 1 is top left or bottom right?
  4. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Thank you so so much for your help pwood! But I'm afraid I still need some help. I found the attached diagram on Rave but I struggle on two points: - I have the following cable colors: white, brown, grey, black and red/black. Rave is talking about B,N,W,RB,S ??? - My plug looks like this...
  5. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    So, after quite a while today I received a second hand controler from UK. Unfortunately my issue stayed the same. So, one simple question (hopefully): Which motor goes to which place? One is marked with blue tape and in my opinion this goes to top right position, yes??? And one more question...
  6. I

    Change Hevac Controler

  7. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Sorry if I ask this once more - just to double check: If I replace my hevac JFC102400 with JFC102550 I don’t have to worry about any damages nor harms, right? If the aircon doesn’t work anymore I will come back to you and hope one of you guys will have a plan. But for now I would be fine if I...
  8. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Now I checked every single option Nanocom offers. Input: Everything says GND. Output: I can check some lights and the front windscreen -all okay. Utility: Can force every single motor. Still distribution motor doesn‘t work. There are still no faults visible on Nanocom but book symbol on...
  9. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    I habe Nanocom Communication but no faults. Good point to check the inputs. Will do tomorrow!
  10. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Hey Datatek, that sounds like a plan. Merci!!
  11. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    Hey Pwood, thanks for your reply. „New motors“ means they are realy new (Valeo). I don’t understand the relay thing. Nanocom doesn‘t see any faults. So, what exactly can I do?)
  12. I

    Change Hevac Controler

    I need to change my hevac controller. Motors are new but book symbol stays on and distribution motor doesn‘t work. I have unit JFC102400. All I find is JFC102550. What do I have to convert to make this newer unit work?? Or does anybody have JVC102400 for sale? I‘m in Germany, so Europe would...