1. M

    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    All good now guys, copious penetrating oil, and a hefty dink, and got a spanner onto the key and moved it. It was the transfer case hi/lo selector shaft as suspected and it was seized up solid (all the way forward in lo). Now soaking over night and will reassemble tomorrow with a wee bit of...
  2. M

    How do I disconnect the Hi-Lo actuator on a Defender 200tdi? LT230

    I have an issue that may involve removing the nose cone on a 300 tdi auto from a disco 1 (transplanted into a Defender 90). In my case the hi/lo selector is jammed solid. Is it possible to remove nose cone in situ by jusy dropping the front prop shaft amd then sliding the nose cone off? I am...
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    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    So. Lovely Sunday morning on the tools. Hi/Lo shaft (the keyed shaft where the shift lever fits in) inside the transfer case is just jammed solid (see pic). I have taken off the seat box to get access, next move I am guessing is to take the gearbox tunnel off. Have soaked in WD40 but it wont...
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    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    Decided to remove the housing with the linkage attached - its free. Looks like its the shaft inside the TC that is frozen. Will fire some WD40 in and then try to manhandle to free it up.⅔
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    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    Will be trying some brute force then breaking out axle stands. Linkage on the side of the box is solid and just wont move Thanks! Will report back.
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    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    Right. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth later. The hi-lo selector on the TC is all the way to the rear, and wont budge. If it is all the way to rear does that mean it is stuck in Lo? If stuck - is a modicum of persuasion in order?
  7. M

    Lost all drive discovery 2 auto

    So I have fitted a 300tdi engine and autobox from a Disco 1 into a Defender 90 for she who must be obeyed. The problem is it feels like it is in low ratio when on drive. Have checked transfer case hi/lo and pulled it all the way forward (hi lo linkage is missing). Is it all the way forward for...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Fuel line green fitting on the pump popping out

    Right - same problem in my 110 TD5. Had my fuel pump replaced (allegedly) and had a fuel eruption, and of course found the pump hadn't been replaced after cutting a hole in rear floor. What the chap had done was just cut and butted the fuel lines with what looks like 12mm fuel hose, and...