1. Damian.t

    Series 1 door locks...?

    Hi, just wondering if I can use the same door locks as SII & III's, or do SI's use something else? Cheers, Damian
  2. Damian.t

    cheak my new lightweight

    Go to: http://www.vehiclelicence.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/ click on 'vehicle enquiry', and follow the instructions you'll find out what year of vehicle you have as well as other bits. Looks like you have a Series 3 LTWT with SII panels. But you have V8 so who cares!
  3. Damian.t

    latest silly question - groaning noise...

    It's slowly coming back to me now, a 'something' valve they said..... I was told that I could ignore it, but sitting at a set of traffic lights in the middle of the town centre with your Landy doing whale impressions ain't something you can ignore! If you have the old LRO book called 'Know...
  4. Damian.t

    latest silly question - groaning noise...

    LOL, your 'groaning' noise has brought some funny memories flooding back! I had a LTWT that did the same thing, only I described it as a pregnant whale! The answer is the oil cooler, what part of the oil cooler I can't remember, but the only way I got my answer was to right to LRO back in...
  5. Damian.t

    II FC rims are same as...

    Hi all, to give my Series 1 a better stance, I want to fit wider wheels to it. However, I don't want to go aftermarket, I'd rather keep it in the family... so to speak! My question is, I know that the early Forward Controls had 'deeper' wheels, are they the same as the newer 130 rims which...
  6. Damian.t

    Wolf wheels on a Series 1...?

    Hi again, I s'ppose the title says it all really, would Wolf wheels fit a '55 Series 1? cheers, Damian
  7. Damian.t

    Inertia seat belts on Series 1

    Hi all, Can anyone with photos and suggestions regarding fitting the above to an unmolested 1955 Land Rover. Cheers...
  8. Damian.t

    Errr, hello?

    Hi, newbie here! I'm normally found on Difflock, but as I'm about to join the Land Rover community again, thought register here and say hello. After many years of Lannie ownership, I went out and bought a 'yota surf from the auctions, that was 18 months ago and I must admit to having no...