1. H

    Finding source for vibration/lump at idle

    This one’s an AJ 4.4 V8 so I’m not entirely sure if that’s as common as on the rover. I’m yet to completely cure it but getting engine mounts done soon to see if that helps. I’d imagine they are rather shot anyway.
  2. H

    Chasing down engine vibration/judder

    Thanks for the info. I must admit I was aware that resetting adaptations does more harm than good but I figured it could have had some bad data in there from the throttle body being gummed. What’s the cause of short term trims being on the higher side usually? I assume that means it’s running...
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    Chasing down engine vibration/judder

    I can’t help it I’m afraid, software engineer 😆 I guess I’ll get the engine and transmission mounts done
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    Chasing down engine vibration/judder

    Haha yeah I was sort of hoping it wouldn’t be this! Bit of a pain for a driveway mechanic and will probably have to go to a shop 🥲 Seems to be worse on the cold start but I guess the engine is thrashing about a bit more when cold.
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    Chasing down engine vibration/judder

    Hi everyone, Apologies for the duplicate thread, if possible can admins delete my old one and keep this one it seems I posted it in a less than ideal place :) I’m chasing down a slightly lumpy/rough idle on my 2006 Discovery 3 4.4. It doesn’t sound like a stumble or miss but the...
  6. H

    Chasing down engine vibration/judder

    Hi everyone, First post so I hope I’m following order and doing it in the correct bit. I’m chasing down a slightly lumpy/rough idle on my 2006 Discovery 3 4.4. It doesn’t sound like a stumble or miss but the shake/vibration is felt through the car every so often. It’s not consistent and is...
  7. H

    Finding source for vibration/lump at idle

    Hi everyone, First post so I hope I’m following order and doing it in the correct bit. I’m chasing down a slightly lumpy/rough idle on my 2006 Discovery 3 4.4. It doesn’t sound like a stumble or miss but the shake/vibration is felt through the car every so often. It’s not consistent and is...
  8. H

    Everything JLR SDD related (feel free to add experiences/help).

    @PRO Do you roughly know the service function names you ran to smooth the idle? I have a bit of a rough idle but I can’t find idle calibration or fuel trim calibration anywhere. I can only find the idle test. Cheers for the iso btw, the only one I have found that works online!