1. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    Update as promised, tried the key and BINGO! She started. Thanks so much for your input and help.
  2. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    I like those files, i will invest in some of those i think, cheers mate
  3. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    That sounds amazing mate, and i will definitely be listening to all your advice. You obviously have a wealth of knowledge about these that is invaluable to novices like me. I'm very intrested and keen to learn all i can Graculus.
  4. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    I cleaned the connections up a little and examined them under an electronic microscope and all looks fine. I do have an iCarsoft LR2 which i plugged in initially a few days ago but i didnt reallt understand what i was looking at, i do remember seeing a few faults with BCM if i remember rightly.
  5. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    I removed the battery and took the TCM module out, i took the TCM apart looking for any signs of corrosion but it looks ok, however there was some slight green discoluration on some of the plug pins. Im going to spray some contact cleaner on them later and clean them up a bit with a toothbrush...
  6. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    Thanks so much for the response, yes i will defo try that, i do have some big jump leads knocking around.
  7. R

    Discovery 3 won't start

    wont start